
Sunday 30 March 2014

How to Survive Your Last Two Years of School...

Hi everyone!! I know it's been a REALLY long time since I posted anything and I'm sorry about that but have been REALLY super busy with school. So I thought I would do a kind of 'how to survive school' kinda thing

Starting School Again...
Now everyone knows that starting school again is always a bit of a pain in the behind but it's something we all have to go through. I know after the summer, you're not used to getting up so early to go to school. You're not used to having to wear a uniform 5 days of the week and you're definitely not used to the HUGE workload. I was really dreading starting school again this year because last year was not an easy year for me. However, once I got into it, I've found that I really enjoy it. School doesn't always have to be a place that you hate and dread going to every day. It can be a fun place where you hang out with your friends and hopefully do subjects that you enjoy.

School Uniform...
Now, I don't know if anyone who reads my blog has to wear a school uniform when they get into their last two years of school but at the college I go to, you do. I really liked wearing the junior uniform because it was comfortable and didn't look too awful but the senior uniform just makes me look really frumpy. Why? Well, it is designed to highlight a certain area (i.e. BOOBS) However, I have really, really small ones and it just looks like I am drowning in clothes. I just try and make the best of it though and try not to think about it too much.
Getting Up Early...
Lets be honest, no one likes this part of going to school. Its one of those things that everyone hates no matter what but we have to do it and I don't really have any advice on getting up early other than, go to bed earlier and then you'll wake up earlier but don't miss out on sleep because you'll feel awful if you do!
Work Load...
The workload is bound to be 10X bigger than it was in your junior years but who cares? As long as you get the work done on time, you should be fine. I always aim to get mine done before the weekend so then I have those two days to sit and relax and do nothing or film a video for my YouTube Channel or do a blog post.
I think getting the work done is important but also having that time to rest can really make all the difference to the coming week.
The Respect...
Now, I don't know about you but since I have become a senior, we get a lot more respect from the teachers. They laugh and joke with us, they're a lot more lenient about stuff and treat us more like adults than kids which is more or less what you are when you get to your senior years. I'm not saying we don't all have an awful long way to go (sorry, quote from Wicked - couldn't help myself) but we're not the Year 9's with the bad B.O. anymore. I think the respect can make all the difference because it makes you respect the teachers and makes you want to work so you don't let them down which is really, super important.
Now, I try not to think about exams as much as possible because all that'll do is stress you out but  I also have internal exams throughout the year which makes it hard to... umm, not get stressed out?.. The best thing to do though is to focus on the work you're doing while you're doing it and getting the best marks you possibly can from that. If you focus on the fact that you have exams at the end of the year, you'll probably not get the best grades you could get because you're too busy thinking about something that isn't for another 9 months! Live in the moment and don't stress out about things that you don't need to be stressed about yet. When it does come to exam time, make sure you have a clear study time table and stick to it. I know its study leave and you're tempted to just lay in bed and watch TV all day but that WILL NOT help you when it comes to the exams. Its good to study so you have all that information fresh in your brain and you can get a better mark that way.
Leaving School...
For some people, they'll be leaving school forever which is emotional for everyone. Whether you're happy to be leaving school and moving on or whether you're sad school is over it's emotional. However just because you're leaving school doesn't mean that you can flour bomb everyone, silly string them, throw stink bombs into classrooms. For the rest of the school, they're stuck there for a good while longer. You don't wanna get into trouble on your last day. Just enjoy it and say goodbye to everyone and have a nice time.
I hope this helps everyone or at least makes them feel a little more optimistic about school in some way. Whether that is starting school again or leaving forever. I know this may all sound really lame but I promise you, you'll miss it when its gone!! :)
Love you all and speak to you soon,
Laralu x