Favourite Book
My favourite book would have to be Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince.
Favourite movie
My favourite movie is actually the second one which I know a lot of people don't like but I love it so...
Least favourite book
Least favourite book would probably have to be the first one. I just feel like it is just setting the story up and the other books are just jam packed full of stuff.
Parts of the books/movies that made you cry
Umm... obviously when everyone dies in the films. And yes I mean EVERYONE (even Cedric). And pretty much the same for the books only Dumbledore's death didn't make me cry in the book. The funeral did.
Oh! And also at the end of the first two (and I think eighth) films when they play that iconic music. Real tear jerker!!
If you could hook up with any HP character who would it be?
Ohhh... I dunno. Sometimes I think Harry but I'm not entirely sure... Gun to my head, I'd say Harry.
Favourite character
Umm... I think I'd have to say Ron. He's just amazingly funny and Rupert Grint did a great job playing him in the films.
What would your Patronus be?
I'm not sure. You're not really supposed to know are you? It just is what it is. I think if I could choose though, I'd like to think it'd be something like a bunny rabbit.
If you could have the Resurrection Stone, Invisibility Cloak or the Elder Wand which one would you choose?
Well... I don't think I would want the resurrection stone. That would cause more harm than good. I wouldn't want the Elder wand because I'm not really interested in being powerful. I suppose it would have to be the cloak. Although, I'm not sure I would use that very much either.
What House would you be in?
This is a hard one. I know I wouldn't like Slytherin and I don't think I'd want to be in Ravenclaw. I'm torn between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor.
IF you could meet any member of the cast who would it be?
Oh my gosh... this s SUCH a hard question to answer. I think it would have to be Helena Bonham Carter because I love Bellatrix and I'd love to talk to her about her portrayal of the character.

Have you played any of the video games?
Yes, I have Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix on Nintendo DS.
IF you were on the Quiddich team which position would you play?
I like to think I'd be good as a seeker but I would have a go at being a chaser too.
Were you happy with the ending?
Hahaha.. no not entirely but there was never any way that everyone was going to be completely happy with how it ended so I don't mind the ending.
How much does Harry Potter mean to you?
Harry Potter was my childhood. I literally grew up reading the books and watching the films so there is a great deal of sentimentality for me that goes with Harry Potter. I adore it.
So, there we have it. I know you were probably expecting another book/film review but I feel like I do them a little too often sometimes and you never really get to learn anything about me. So, I thought I would do the Harry Potter tag this week and you can learn a little more about me and my interests.
Please feel free to do the tag yourself down below and I will look through them and we can all be a little geeky for a bit. ☺
I hope you had a lovely week and carry on having a lovely week and I'll see you same time next week for a book review.
Lots of love, Lara xx
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